一礁不容二魚:條紋蓋刺魚/皇后神仙幼魚的白藍圈圈到底可以幹嘛?One nation can’t have two queens, since the potential one is still young: Juvenile-adult colour patterns & coexistence in the territorial Emperor Angelfish

Juvenile Adule Emperor Angelfish color patterns
The Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) is famous for its exquisite color patterns among aquarists and underwater photographers. There is a huge coloration difference between juvenile and adult fish, from blue-white-circled to yellow-blue-striped.
Why so different and what for? Research shows that territorial aggression adults were less likely to attack juveniles of their species than adults. We all know one nation can’t have two queens, since the potential one is still young, doesn't matter!
Photo Credit:
Further Reading:
Fricke, H. W. 1980. Juvenile-adult Colour Patterns and Coexistence in the Territorial Coral Reef Fish Pomacanthus imperator. Marine Ecology 1:133-141.



SEXYFISH WEAR 海洋時尚緊身褲 條紋蓋刺魚 皇后神仙 Emperor Angelfish
條紋蓋刺魚/皇后神仙 Emperor Angelfish
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【海洋時尚緊身褲】條紋蓋刺魚/皇后神仙 Emperor Angelfish
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